Java Backend: Handling Exceptions in JAX-RS & Java Servlets

November 14, 2017 in Backend Development, Software Development

Java Backend Custom Error Handling


When developing RESTful applications using Java Backend, sooner or later you’ll face with the necessity of handling HTTP errors in a custom way. For example, frontend may require some kind of generic representation of an HTTP error (usually in JSON format), so that it can easily apply a single logic on it.

In Java Backend world, the most popular technology for handling HTTP requests is Java Servlets. It perfectly suits for handling general HTTP requests as well as static resources. RESTful API, on the other hand, is usually handled by another technology, called JAX-RS.

In this article we are going to implement the custom HTTP error handling mechanism for both Java Servlets and JAX-RS technologies.

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Frontend Development: Centering Images with HTML & CSS

November 14, 2017 in Frontend Development, Software Development

Scalified - Outsource Frontend Development

Nowadays, most of the modern websites are using images for various purposes. Starting from visual content and ending with rich UI/UX, images may represent any kind of information in a more convenient and easy way. However, there are several ways how images can be used in frontend development, depending on particular UI and requirements. In this article we’re going to briefly go through the most popular ways to manipulate images in HTML/CSS and also we’ll see how images can be scaled/centered to achieve better user experience.

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Debugging Node.js backend with Typescript and IntelliJ

November 1, 2017 in Backend Development, Software Development


Couple of weeks ago we’ve migrated one of our Node.js backend projects from Babel to Typescript. The reason was mostly because it gives us a much-needed type-safe option for backend development using Express. Besides, we’ve been actively using Typescript with Angular and React and we really like all the benefits it brought in our lives. However it took us some time to get things working with typescript again, especially to configure our project and IDE so that we could debug both application logic and tests right from IDE. In this short tutorial we’ll show how you can debug your Node.js backend written with Typescript using Intellij Idea.

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Software Development in Cost-Effective Infrastructure

October 24, 2017 in Backend Development, DevOps, Docker, Frontend Development, Software Development


While software development of big and small projects at Scalified we often have situations when development environment includes multiple nodes. Starting from Continuous Integration (CI) which is crucial for an effective development team and ending with dev/test/stage environments, every one of those nodes consumes some resources and therefore costs money.

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