Setting up Java EE CQRS project using Axon Framework

November 1, 2018 in Backend Development, Software Development


Setting up Java EE CQRS project using Axon Framework
Today, software development teams have lots of options to choose from, when it comes to programming methodologies, patters, paradigms, etc. The mainstream approach is to treat backend side as a CRUD data store.

But gradually, as your software product starts becoming more sophisticated you might consider moving away from that model. One of the alternative views on a process of an application development that you can pay attention to is CQRS.

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Building Jenkins Pipelines – Part 1. Setting Up Docker Swarm

October 8, 2018 in DevOps, Docker, Software Development


It’s difficult to overestimate the importance of continuous integration and continuous delivery in modern development practices. However, proper implementation of these practices might be not so easy for many software development teams. One of the possible ways to achieve this is to use open source solutions like Jenkins Pipelines which is free and extensible, though still requires some time and knowledge.
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Ngrx-forms: creating complex forms with Angular

June 25, 2018 in Frontend Development, Software Development


Creating complex forms might be a challenging activity for every front-end developer, no matter what framework they use. For sure, there’re lots of various ways to create forms using modern front-end frameworks. Thus, with latest Angular (6.x) you can create “template driven” and “model driven” or reactive forms out of the box, which is quite something if you want to build simple forms. But what if your forms consist of multiple sub-forms, many inputs depend on each other, their validation rules might dynamically change, etc.? While developing software for the insurance industry, where forms are the crucial part Scalified team has gained a great experience of implementing powerful forms and today we’ll share some experience of how to build really reactive forms with Angular and ngrx-forms.

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Java Backend: Automatic Database Migration With Flyway

January 17, 2018 in Backend Development, Software Development

Database Migration


Database migration is essential and integral process of every software development. From the very begging of application development the number of database migration scripts increases with every feature, which requires database change. This slows down the process of testing, deployment and application integration. All these issues can be effectively solved by automating the process of applying database migration scripts. Flyway is one of the most popular tools in this area. It has plenty of features but most importantly it provides database version control. In this article we are going to configure Flyway tool to automatically apply database migration scripts in a typical Java EE application running inside JBoss container.

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Injecting PDF into an HTML page

January 16, 2018 in Frontend Development, Software Development

Injecting PDF into an HTML

PDF is one of the most widely used format for the web today. Every day people all around the world download PDF files from internet, send PDF documents via email and just read PDF books on their devices. However, it’s not so easy if you want to display some PDF file on your site as a part of the web page. In this article we’re going to have a look at the possible ways for injecting PDF into an HTML page, covering the pros and cons of each method.

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